Links to West Australian Curriculum by Subject
- Use of given frameworks and reflective strategies to evaluate music performances and discussion of different points of view (ACAMUR098)
- Exploration and discussion of different audience behaviour and performance traditions across a range of settings and musical styles (ACAMUR098)”
- Development of personal opinions and musical preferences, analysing and discussing the influence of music and appreciating differing opinions and perspectives about music (ACAMUR105)
- Development of personal preferences and aesthetic appreciation, differentiating between subjective and objective interpretations when comparing and evaluating stylistic interpretations of a range of music (ACAMUR105)
Year 11 Music Analysis:
- How a composer has applied, combined, and manipulated music elements and concepts to create a music work.
- Evaluate relevant personal socio-political and/or cultural influence.
- Analyse how the composer has expressively communicated narrative through the application, combination and manipulation of the music elements and concepts.
Year 12 Music Analysis:
- Analyse and understand ways in which the elements and characteristics of music can be applied to express:
- personal identity
- socio-political identity
- cultural identity
- Students analyse and understand music that demonstrates innovative use of music elements and concepts, responding to how this challenged, further developed or reimagined music traditions to create new ideas, and communicate new meanings.
- Explore the ways that ideas and viewpoints in literary texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts may reflect or challenge the values of individuals and groups (ACELT1626)
- Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view (ACELT1603)”
- Listen to texts constructed for different purposes, for example to entertain and to persuade, and analyse how language features of these texts position listeners to respond in particular ways (ACELY1740)
- Analyse texts from familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and discuss and evaluate their content and the appeal of an individual author’s literary style (ACELT1636)
- Evaluate the social, moral and ethical positions represented in texts (ACELT1812)
- Representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
- Comparing texts of different genres and contexts.
- Investigate the relationships between language context and meaning.
- Examine the language, structure, and features of imaginative texts.
- Evaluating how responses to texts are influenced by the reader’s cultural context.
- Compare texts in a variety of modes.
- Investigate the representation of ideas, attitudes, and voices in texts.
- Gothic literature studies, poetry, languages, history, contextual and ethical discussions etc.
- Representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
- Evaluate the ways in which literary texts represent culture and identity.
- Evaluate the ways in which representations of the past allow a nation or culture to recognise itself.
- Evaluate the influence of the reader’s context, cultural assumptions, social position, and gender.
- Understand how language, structure and stylistic choices are used in different literary forms.
- Examine the ways in which contexts shape how a text is produced then received and responded to by
- readers/audiences.
- Analyse and reflect on the relationships between authors, readers, texts and contexts.
Specific to Wundig wer Wilura:
- The importance of conserving the remains of the ancient past, including the heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACDSEH148)
- The background to the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for rights and freedoms before 1965, including the 1938 Day of Mourning and the Stolen Generations (ACDSEH104)
Rusalka, and Orpheus and Eurydice:
- Investigating ancient society (Greece) (ACDSEH002; ACDSEH003; ACDSEH004; ACDSEH005; ACDSEH006)
- The significant beliefs, values and practices of the ancient society, with a particular emphasis on one of the following areas: everyday life, warfare, or death and funerary customs (ACDSEH033; ACDSEH036; ACDSEH039; ACDSEH042; ACDSEH045)
Years 1 to 10
- Design and technology to support dramatic meaning (ACADRM044)
- Approaches to characterisation (creating believable characters) (ACADRM041)
- Design and technology to support dramatic impact and audience enjoyment of the theatrical experience (ACADRM044)
- Approaches to characterisation suited to the selected drama forms and styles, texts and themes (ACADRM048)
- [Students] use the elements and conventions of drama to develop and present ideas and explore personal and cultural issues.
- In the context of drama in performance, students create, understand, select and combine drama language, contextual knowledge, performance and production using oral and written communication.
Years 11 and 12
- Spaces of performance
- performer and audience relationship in the theatre space
- theatre spaces: proscenium arch stage and end stage
- Design and technology choices
- collaboration of creative team
- application of design language
- principles of design, such as balance, contrast, emphasis, repetition, scale/proportion
- elements of design
- application of design role and theatre technologies
- Experience their body being moved through a variety of positions and locations (VCHPEM008)
- Explore how regular physical activity keeps them healthy and well (VCHPEM052)
- Benefits of regular physical activity and physical fitness to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing (ACPMP064)
- Communication skills that support and enhance team cohesion, such as body language and listening skills (ACPMP088)
- Skills and strategies to promote physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing in various environments (ACPPS073)
- Experience dance, safe movement possibilities and move their body parts intentionally in response to stimulus (VCADAE001)
- Show general awareness of body position and own body when being moved by others during fundamental movement and dance sequences (VCADAD002)
- Respond to own and others’ dance (VCADAR008)
- Safe dance practices, including knowing their own body capabilities when participating in dance lessons or rehearsals (ACADAM010)
- Exploration of, and experimentation with, three (3) elements of dance (body, space and time) (ACADAM001)
- Interact with the teacher and peers through action-related talk and structured play, to exchange greetings such as Ciao!; Buongiorno Signora!; Arrivederci!; Come stai, Anna? Bene, grazie (ACLITC001)
- Participate in shared action with the teacher and peers using simple, repetitive key words, images, movement and songs such as Il coccodrillo come fa? (ACLITC002)
- Recognise that language is organised as ‘text’ that can be spoken, written, digital, visual or multimodal (ACLITU015)
- Participate in the shared performance of songs or rhymes, playing with sound patterns, rhyming words and non-verbal forms of expression (ACLITC008)
Years 4 to 6
- Experience creation of visual artworks (VCAVAE001)
- Exposure to different materials and techniques to make artworks (VCAVAV002)
- Experience some materials and techniques to make artworks (VCAVAV006)
- Create artworks in response to an idea or observation (VCAVAP007)
- Explore ideas, experiences and observations to create visual artworks (VCAVAE013)
Years 7 to 12
- Ideas and design development for art-making (e.g. brainstorm, mind map, annotation/sketches, media testing) (ACAVAM120)
- Processes to develop and produce artwork (ACAVAM121)
- Purpose and meaning associated with artwork from the selected artists and art styles (ACAVAR124)
Years 1 to 10
- Experience characters and settings through stories in images, sounds and multi-modal texts (VCAMAE001)
- Experience media technologies to capture images and sounds for a story (VCAMAM002)
- Experience the presentation of media artworks (VCAMAP003)
- Present media artworks that communicate an idea or concept (VCAMAP011)
- Present media artworks that communicate a simple idea or story (VCAMAP015)
Year 11 and 12
- Design frameworks
- understand the limitations of a linear design process:
- design brief
- research
- ideate
- develop
- refine
- produce
- characteristics and application of design principles:
- balance
- contrast
- emphasis
- repetition
- movement
- scale
- unity
- variety
- pattern
- harmony
- alignment
- hierarchy
- Discover
- interpret a specified design need or problem
- interpretation of the design brief that includes:
- core design problem
- stakeholders
- client
- others
- target audience/end-user characteristics
- aim or purpose of the design
- constraints
- timeframe
- cost analysis or budget
- special considerations or requirements
- materials and technologies
- context of the design
- where will it be used, seen or applied
- deliverables
- expectations for communicating the design proposal
For further information, contact Olivia Ferguson, Education Manager, at [email protected]